AI and Music
While many people associate AI with IBM’s Watson and other similar supercomputers capable of passing the Turing test (a test that a computer is supposed to mimic human conversations), AI is now becoming extremely popular, and for that matter, controversial in the music industry.
AI has been used frequently in suggesting songs in streaming platforms such as Spotify and Apple and Music for years. However, recently AI has taken on a different role than songs to listen to next. AI has begun to mimic the voices of artists.
OpenAI’s spinoff project Jukebox is capable of producing voices and styles ranging from Frank Sinatra to Dolly Parton and even 2pac. These advancements in voice recognition and machine learning capability from AI have gained many admirers and much hate in the music industry. It is impressive how realistic AI-generated music is. However, it might be illegal in the United States to do this. Jay Z filed a takedown request after a YouTuber mimicked his voice using AI, and YouTube immediately removed the content. This battle will continue in the court systems for years, and it is interesting how the courts will settle this conflict. No matter what the courts decide, AI will continue to become a larger part of our music listening experience.
‘It’s the screams of the damned!’ The eerie AI world of deepfake music