TikTok: Here to stay and changing the game

Aux Collaborative
2 min readApr 6, 2021

A lot has happened over the past year. One of the most dramatic things has been the sudden rise of TikTok. The platform has become one of the most popular social media apps, now with an atmosphere full of its own trends and influencers. Initially known for its dance videos, music has been central to TikTok since its beginning.

Nowadays, the platform has considerable sway over the music industry. Going viral on TikTok has taken songs from relative obscurity to the charts. This has been one of the craziest things about TikTok: it is unpredictable. Neither artists, labels, nor creators know what will suddenly blow up overnight. The past year has seen 1970s hits resurface on the charts due to viral challenges. Relatively unknown creators have gotten record deals after having clips of them singing go viral.

Artists have begun to use TikTok to their advantage. Many have popped up on the platform, doing challenges and interacting with fans. It’s worthwhile due to TikTok being an easy way to get in front of many people. Taking it a step further, many songs are now paired with challenges upon release. Labels and artists both know that a viral challenge can take any song to the next level.

Everything hasn’t been smooth sailing though. TikTok has come under fire in the past. Since the platform lets users upload their own audio, it’s been a haven for unlicensed music. Labels have begun to crack down on this. In addition, many now have struck deals with the app so they can profit off of their music on the platform. TikTok is set to become another significant stream of revenue for artists. TikTok is another example of how the music industry is changing right in front of our eyes. It will be interesting to see the platform’s role moving forward.


TikTok is changing the rules of the music industry



Aux Collaborative

Aux generates multi-party playlists from AI from whatever you and friends stream music on.